Monday, May 18, 2009

Testing, Testing, 1..2..3

For those of us in the public school system, it is that time of year again. End of year testing is once again upon us. This is a very stressful time of year for me. I have spent all year doing my best to teach these students all the things they are supposed to learn in their fifth grade year, and now it is their turn to show me what they've learned. I feel very stressed as I walk around the room watching them complete their tests each day, knowing I can do nothing to help them. I can't explain anything if they ask me a question. I can't do ANYTHING at this point. Some students tolerate this testing pretty well. I have others who completely panic. And then there are those in between.

I know some of you may have certain opinions about public schools, testing, etc. This is not what this post is about. I am asking for you to say a prayer for my students each day this week at 9:00am. This is the time we will start the tests. Please pray for the students to feel calm as they begin the tests. Pray that they can remember all that they need to know to complete these tests. Pray for them to feel confident in themselves.

(If you choose to comment on this post, please keep it positive. Remember...I moderate all comments....)


Andrea said...

Good Luck today Kim! And just remember..just a few more weeks left, hang in there!! : )

Angie Tullock said...

We will be praying this week for the students and the teachers.

Beth Cotell said...

Praying that it is all going well for you and the kids! The EOG's were last week in our county.