Friday, December 14, 2012

EOTS: Day 22

Today was Quinn's last Show and Tell before Christmas break starts. Quinn has been asking me often if he can hold Jingle, play with Jingle, and my response is always the same. 

If you touch him, he loses his magic.

Imagine our surprise when we woke up to this today.

The letter says "Dear Quinn.... I know today is your Show and Tell day. Santa was happy you had a good day yesterday at school. He gave me extra can touch me today! I can be your Show and Tell today. I made special cookies for your class and Mrs. James. I can't wait to visit your school. Love Jingle."

I had pre-arranged this with his teacher, and Mrs. James was willing to allow Jingle to make a special appearance!  Quinn was so happy to finally get to touch Jingle!

Here is Quinn with his teacher Mrs. James and his cookie making elf!

(What a cool story to tell as my 300th post on my blog!!)

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