Friday, April 5, 2013

Spring Cleaning....Day 3....Master Bedroom

Oh my....what a chore!  Today's assignment in the cleaning challenge was to clean the master bedroom. Actually it said clean bedrooms....but since we have three, I decided to do mine as it was most in need of a good cleaning.

I will be honest and tell you that my room was horribly messy, but I just cannot bring myself to post a before picture.  And I'm not going to apologize for it, because this is my blog!  And I have just a smidgen of pride that I don't want to publicly embarass myself. However, it has been too long since I cleaned it, so whatever picture you are envisioning in your mind is probably pretty close!

Here are the after pictures.  And I also cleaned out the walk-in closet, but the picture didn't turn out so well.

I can't tell you how good it felt to go to sleep in a perfectly clean room!  I really want to keep it looking nice.

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