Saturday, January 9, 2010

Two Years Old Today!

I can hardly believe that I am the mother of a two year old! It seems like only yesterday I was pregnant, and now my sweet little Quinn is TWO! Time has sure flown by with him, and I have enjoyed every moment of being his mother.

It has been such a big year. Quinn went from barely walking without needing help, to running and jumping and climbing all over the place. The only things he hasn't figured out how to climb on the counters and climb out of his crib. He loves to play outside and explore. He can entertain himself with toys, or he can be a fun playmate. He loves to stack blocks, knock them down and start over. He likes to build towers with his big Legos. He loves trucks and balls....typical boy! He likes books and listening to stories.

He loves music. Since I've joined the choir, our director will give us a CD every so often of songs we will be learning. When I play them in the car, Quinn will clap along to the songs, and saying "Yeah!" when the song is over. He loves to sing along with me and do the hand motions to different songs.

Quinn is a good eater! So far, we have not found him to be particularly picky. He has things he loves to eat, but when it comes down to it, he will eat any (and every) thing we put on his plate. We have progressed from bottles and baby food to sippy cups and using utensils to feed himself.

I am just so amazed at all he has done this year and can hardly wait to see if the twos will be terrible or terrific! Either way, he's my boy and I love him!

Here are a few favorite pictures of Quinn from this past year.
This is last year's first birthday party. Isn't he cute with cake all over?

This was from last February....not long after Quinn's first haircut and after we got Harry the Elephant.

This was near or around Easter time.

This was from the those curls.

18 months old
My Halloween Saint Bernard.
And finally, meet my two year old sweet heart!
I am so blessed to be the mother of this precious child!


Anonymous said...

We are so proud to be the grandparents of this terrific little man. He bring us such joy and amazement at the new things he is doing each time we see him. Can't wait to see what this next year brings. Hopefully he will be saying "Grandma and Grandpa" before years end. Love you so much Quinn.

Grandma and Grandpa

Andrea said...

Happy 2nd Birthday, Quinn!!!!

Heather said...

WOW! he's changed alot in just the past few months. he looks like a big boy now. Happy birthday Quinn! Terrible or Terrific, the 2's are so much fun!

Kim said...

Happy 2nd Birthday Quinn!

Sweet Post Kimberly.