Thursday, December 9, 2010

Unbe-LEAF-able Fun!

On Thanksgiving morning, Buddy, Quinn, my dad, AKA: Grandpa, and I went on a walk through "the woods". When I was a kid, my cousins and I called the tree-lined area that separated my grandma's yard from their grandma's yard "the woods". We would meet in "the woods" because it was halfway. There used to be a lot more trees, but over the years, we had to cut some down as they began to die.

My dad had asked his yard-guy not to pick up the leaves, so a certain little boy could play in them. Quinn was super excited to see all the leaves.

Quinn and Grandpa immediately began to play in the leaves.

Quinn being attacked by leaves.

Then we went walking through the woods.

Quinn had fun finding sticks and playing with them. He picked this one up and slammed it down shouting "Hi-Ya!"

At the far end of the woods we stopped to pay our respects to our sweet Desi girl.

We had such a fun time playing in the woods! The smile says it all!


Kim said...

What memories and by the way the "woods" are very pretty.

Denise said...

Debbie & I used to meet your aunt & uncle in "the woods" to play. Back then, there were swings, a huge slide and a big sandbox. All of it was comparable to local parks today. We didn't realize what we had, but we sure had lots of fun!