Monday, April 11, 2011

Step Challenge: Week 1 Stats

My blog friend Beth suggested I post my steps on the blog for each week, so here you go.

The step challenge started on Tuesday. I had 10,515 steps.

Wednesday: 11,529 steps

Thursday: 10,624 steps

Friday: 11,087 steps

Saturday: 9,444 steps.  (You would think Saturday would have more steps than during the week, but I had a lot of laundry to catch up on, and then in the evening, we had some bad storms roll through, so there went the after-dinner walk.)

Sunday: 7,538  steps  (Not as happy with this number either. Hard to get steps in while you are seated in the pew at church for a couple of hours.And I'll be honest...for those of you who know me...Sundays are hard days for me right now, anyway.)

That is a total of 60,737 steps. We were told to divide by 2000 to indicate the number of miles. So my total mileage last week was 30.3 miles!
So there you stats for week one of the Step Challenge.


Beth Cotell said...

That's a lot of steps and miles!!! Do you have a goal of steps/miles per week that you are shooting for?

Pam said...

Love it! You walked over a marathon!