Friday, May 13, 2011

First Time Dyeing Eggs

 This year I decided that Quinn was old enough  I was brave enough for us to dye eggs for Easter. One thing I not wait until the night before Easter to buy your egg dyeing kit. If you do, you will be stuck with only the 99 cent version of dye kits, which is just regular colors...nothing fancy, nothing sparkly, nothing! We did have fun though, and next year I will buy my fun kit early!

As you can see, Quinn was super excited to be dyeing eggs.

He had a lot of fun placing the eggs in the different colors. We let him pick which color he wanted to do and then he placed the egg himself. Yes, it made a mess, and yes, he knocked over a color or two, and yes, we had a blast!

For a three year old, dyeing eggs is fun.....waiting....not so much....

The final product. We did have fun, and Quinn had fun playing with his color eggs for a few days!


Beth Cotell said...

My kids hate waiting too! They don't seem to mind pale eggs. Looks like he is having fun!

Kim said...

One of our favorite family activities! And for what it is worth I don't think alot of the fancy color kits live up to their advertising!